We Will Reach It All

I hear the whispers of my ancestors
Telling me to come closer
Hold onto every word and listen carefully,
Lean into your greatness
You, I, we
Are power
Stand tall
Knowing your roots
Will ground you in reassurance
When you feel out of place
Let the natural flow of your spine
Extend to the sky
Where it can reach us
And whenever your gaze falls to the floor
In exhaustion of what the world has done to you
We will pull you up by the tiny strings
That connect our stories
So that you can see
Such a world exists
Where healing and love is at the center
Slow down
When you speak
Speak of hope
Our mother tongue is sprinkled with tales of family
And the memories of the sacred lands we once lived on
Sing out the names of those of us they have forgotten
And when you stutter
Be assured that this is your spirit
Rejecting the colonized language
Shoved down our throats
Let there be no question
On whether or not you will be okay
You will be more than okay
And there will be a point
Where we will all meet
To dance in joy
Knowing we have reached it all

Linda Flor Brito is the daughter of Rosa Guallpa and Manuel Brito, both immigrants from the beautiful city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Inspired by the resilience and strength of her parents and community, she has dedicated herself to migrant justice work and is committed to fighting against imperialist and policing systems that criminalize and target undocumented immigrants. Focusing on advocacy for unaccompanied immigrant children, she does research and data analysis at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Recognizing liberation is fought for through many fronts, Linda is also a community organizer, editor for Up, Up with Liberation!—a digital collective dedicated to liberation through creative expression, and a poeta.