Vilma Ronzon1 Comment

My Mom and Dad

My mother and father speak many languages.

They speak in labor every day.

A language of aches and exhaustion.

A language that leaves and returns.

Leaves and returns.

Vilma Ronzon1 Comment
My Mom and Dad
Linda Brito

We Will Reach It All

I hear the whispers of my ancestors

Telling me to come closer

Hold onto every word and listen carefully,

Lean into your greatness

You, I, we

Are power

Linda Brito
We Will Reach It All

by sailing, by crossing seas and oceans, do we eventually settle down?


home is where the heart is

then where is my heart then?


or there?

or somewhere completely irrelevant?

when people ask me “where are you from?”

I say “here”

“but where are you really from?”


I do wonder

where am I really from?

I do not know

where is


I am still looking”

by sailing, by crossing seas and oceans, do we eventually settle down?

For Mami

“This is your story,

One that belongs solely to you

Intertwined with that of your parents, your siblings, your children, your friends

It seems all your relationships have come with sacrifices

I yearn to give you something with no strings attached

But sadly, our world is made of one sole long thread”

For Mami
Linda Britopoetry

La Libertad Está Aquí

Mi mamá, she works hard for us
4'9 but a giant staring down the face of imperialism
She uses her body as a shield
To protect me from those who wish to cause harm to my brown body ⁠—
Tear me into pieces and tell me I am nothing

Linda Britopoetry
La Libertad Está Aquí