We Tell Our Own Stories

Tertulia Migrante: Everyone Who Is Gone is Here by Jonathan Blitzer
to Jun 18

Tertulia Migrante: Everyone Who Is Gone is Here by Jonathan Blitzer

Join us for 4 virtual sessions to read and discuss Jonathan Blitzer's Everyone Who Is Gone is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis.

Register here: bit.ly/tertuliamigranteblitzer

The author will be joining us during the last session.

These virtual sessions will be led by Migrant Roots Media's team member Bárbara Sostaita!

#TertuliaMigrante #EscuelaPolíticaMigrante

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2023 Movement Broadcasting Intensive // Curso Intensivo de Radiodifusión de Movimientos Sociales
to Nov 14

2023 Movement Broadcasting Intensive // Curso Intensivo de Radiodifusión de Movimientos Sociales

Calling all social justice activists and organizers, radical journalists, movement podcasters, documentarians, and people from historically oppressed groups! Please join Migrant Roots Media, Interrupting Criminalization, and Press On for an intensive series of skill-sharing workshops about how to create audio, video, and live broadcasts to support movements for liberation.

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Witnessing in Solidarity: A Panel on the Ongoing Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines
8:00 PM20:00

Witnessing in Solidarity: A Panel on the Ongoing Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines

Join us on May 31st for a panel discussion which is being co-hosted by BAYAN, Migrant Roots Media, and Pax Christi USA. 

Title: Witnessing in Solidarity: A Panel on the Ongoing Human Rights Crisis in the Philippines

Date: PHILIPPINES: June 1, 8-9 AM // USA: May 31, 8-9 PM ET / 5-6 PM PT

Click here to register: bit.ly/witnessinginsolidarity

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Roots and Routes of the Congo War
12:00 PM12:00

Roots and Routes of the Congo War

Join us for a conversation with Agape Karagi and Nteranya Sanginga about the complex web of geopolitical, economic, and human entanglements that have shaped the ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The panel will explore some of the root causes of the conflict, the routes journeyed by Congolese citizens who have fled, and the experiences of those who have remained in Eastern Congo. This panel will be moderated by Dubie Toa-Kwapong, Africa Migration Ethnographer at Migrant Roots Media.

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Shifting Narratives for Liberation: A Racial Justice Intensive for Journalists and Media-Makers
to Nov 13

Shifting Narratives for Liberation: A Racial Justice Intensive for Journalists and Media-Makers

In this dynamic online gathering, participants will learn what narrative shifting is and how to center root causes in the stories we tell; build community and connection with other journalists and media-makers working for liberation; and leave with a concrete tool for analyzing the narrative framing in their own stories.

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Shifting Narratives for Liberation // Transformando Narrativas para la Liberación
to Apr 24

Shifting Narratives for Liberation // Transformando Narrativas para la Liberación

Shifting Narratives for Liberation: A Racial Justice Intensive for Journalists and Media-Makers

Click here to apply: http://bit.ly/shiftingnarratives2021

Transformando Narrativas para la Liberación: Un Intensivo de Justicia Racial para Periodistas y Creadores de Medios

Haga clic para concursar: http://bit.ly/shiftingnarratives2021

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Tertulia Migrante: A Conversation with Roberto Lovato, author of Unforgetting
6:30 PM18:30

Tertulia Migrante: A Conversation with Roberto Lovato, author of Unforgetting

Join us this Wednesday, March 24th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM (ET) for a Conversation with Roberto Lovato, author of Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs, and Revolution in the Americas.

We will livestream the last session of Tertulia Migrante, Migrant Roots Media's literary circle, where we discussed Lovato's latest book.

We will take questions from the audience.

Register here: http://bit.ly/tertuliamigranteunforgetting

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PANEL DISCUSSION: An Analysis of the Biden-Harris Administration Plan for Central America
7:00 PM19:00

PANEL DISCUSSION: An Analysis of the Biden-Harris Administration Plan for Central America

Join us this Thursday, March 11th, for a panel featuring amazing critical thinkers with roots in Central and South America. They will be discussing Migrant Roots Media's report published on January 13, 2021 and which analyzes the Biden plan for Central America: https://www.migrantrootsmedia.org/reports.

Register: http://bit.ly/analysisofbidenplan

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Women’s Voices from Central America: Impacts of U.S. Policies on Migration
7:00 PM19:00

Women’s Voices from Central America: Impacts of U.S. Policies on Migration

On International Women’s Day, we will hear from women in three Central American countries that have been heavily impacted by U.S. foreign policy: El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Through a video montage of interviews they will share their personal experiences of being caught in circumstances that threatened their livelihoods and their families. The program will also feature a live conversation with social movement women leaders from the three countries who will connect the dots between the impact of U.S. policies on their countries, including trade agreements, land tenure, military intervention, promotion of fossil fuels and agribusiness and the massive displacement of people from their communities.

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Tertulia Migrante: Unforgetting by Roberto Lovato
6:00 PM18:00

Tertulia Migrante: Unforgetting by Roberto Lovato

Join us for our next Tertulia Migrante!

Our next book is Unforgetting: A Memoir of Family, Migration, Gangs, and Revolution in the Americas by Roberto Lovato.

In order to participate, please click here to sign up.

For each meeting, we ask that you please prepare one question or short reflection to share with the group.

The book readings will be divided as such:

Session 1: January 27th — Intro, Prologue, and Part 1 (52 pages)
Session 2: February 10th — Part 2 and 3 (52 pages)
Session 3: February 24th — Part 4 and 5 (61 pages)
Session 4: March 10th — Part 6 and 7 (63 pages)
Session 5: March 24th — Part 8 and 9 (67 pages)

Time: 6-7:30pm

Please let us know if you have any questions/feedback.


If you are in Durham, you can purchase the book at Golden Fig Books (next to Gugelhupf).

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Hasta Encontrarles // Until We Find Them - A conversation with Rubén Figueroa
1:30 PM13:30

Hasta Encontrarles // Until We Find Them - A conversation with Rubén Figueroa

Regístrese aquí para participar por Zoom: // Register here to participate through Zoom: http://bit.ly/migrantesmrm

English below


Acompañe a Raíces Migrantes y al activista de derechos humanos Rubén Figueroa del Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano para honrar y conmemorar las vidas de las personas que han sido desaparecidas por la fuerza alrededor del mundo.

Durante los últimos 14 años, Rubén Figueroa ha dedicado su vida a defender los derechos humanos de los migrantes que viajan a Estados Unidos por México y Centroamérica. Su función principal es acompañar a migrantes, víctimas del crimen organizado y gobiernos locales, así como la búsqueda de migrantes desaparecidos. Rubén también es uno de los organizadores de la “Caravana de Madres de Migrantes Desaparecidos”, que se realiza anualmente a lo largo de la ruta migratoria en México.

******************* Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/315362563095027/

Join Migrant Roots Media and human rights activist Rubén Figueroa of the Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano to honor and commemorate the lives of individuals who have been forcibly disappeared around the world.

For the past 14 years, Rubén Figueroa has dedicated his life to defending the human rights of migrants traveling to the United States through Mexico and Central America. His main role is to accompany migrants, victims of organized crime, and local governments, as well as search for missing migrants. Rubén is also one of the organizers of the “Caravan of Mothers of Missing Migrants,” which takes place annually along the migration route in Mexico.

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Tertulia Migrante: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
6:00 PM18:00

Tertulia Migrante: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

Join us for our next Tertulia Migrante. Let's keep sharpening our analysis of the systems of oppression that have caused so much damage to many communities, particularly BIPOC. Our next book is The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. In order to participate, please sign up here: https://bit.ly/tertuliathenewjimcrow

For each meeting, we ask that you please prepare one question or short reflection to share with the group.

The book readings will be divided as such:

Session 1: August 19th — Intro and Part 1 (58 pages)

Session 2: September 2nd — Part 2 and 3 (81 pages)

Session 3: Setember 16th — Part 4 and 5 (81 pages)

Session 4: Septemebr 30th — Part 6 (41 pages)

Session 5: Watch Lecture and Discussion

Time: 6-7:30pm

Please let us know if you have any questions/feedback.

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Journalism for Liberation
10:00 AM10:00

Journalism for Liberation

(Continúa en español)

Deadline to apply extended to July 6, 2020.

Journalism is a key lever for transformative social change.

The Journalism for Liberation Network Gathering, hosted by Press On and Migrant Roots Media, will bring together journalists, media organizations, and media activists focused on transforming journalism toward liberation. The one-day gathering on Zoom will focus on southern and midwestern movement journalists and outlets, and will include interactive workshops on movement journalism, and chances to meet participants and share resources.

Our goals include: Identifying how oppression shows up in journalism and ways to interrupt it; Reflecting collectively on power, positionality, and narrative shifting; Helping folks tap into each other as resources and share tools and action steps for movement journalism, to continue to develop a strong network of movement journalists and movement media platforms. We strive to make this gathering accessible and will offer interpretation services and tech support as needed. Please specify your access needs when you fill out the application.

This network gathering has limited space, and the deadline to apply is June 29, 2020. We will prioritize applicants those from oppressed communities and identities and those that are underrepresented in mainstream journalism. Please contact Manolia Charlotin at manolia@presson.media with any questions.

Click here to apply.


Fecha límite extendida hasta el 6 de julio, 2020.

El periodismo es una palanca clave para obtener cambios sociales transformadores.

La Reunión Red de Periodismo para la Liberación, organizada por Press On y Raíces Migrantes (Migrant Roots Media), reunirá a periodistas, organizaciones de medios de comunicación y activistas de los medios enfocados en transformar el periodismo hacia la liberación. La reunión de un día mediante Zoom se centrará en periodistas y medios de comunicación de movimientos sociales del Sur y Medio Oeste de los EE.UU., e incluirá talleres interactivos sobre periodismo de movimientos sociales y oportunidades para conocer a los participantes y compartir recursos.

Nuestros objetivos incluyen: Identificar cómo se manifiesta la opresión en el periodismo y las formas de interrumpirla; Reflexionar colectivamente sobre el poder, la posicionalidad y el cambio de narrativas; Ayudar a las personas participantes a conectarse entre sí para apoyarse mutuamente, y compartir herramientas y pasos de acción, para continuar desarrollando una sólida red de periodistas de movimientos sociales y plataformas de medios de los mismos. Nos esforzamos para que esta reunión sea accesible y ofreceremos servicios de interpretación y apoyo técnico según sea necesario. Especifique sus necesidades de acceso cuando llene la solicitud.

Esta reunión de red tiene un espacio limitado, y la fecha límite para presentar la solicitud es el 29 de junio de 2020. Priorizaremos a las personas concursantes de las comunidades e identidades oprimidas y aquellas que están subrepresentadas en el periodismo convencional. Por favor póngase en contacto con Manolia Charlotin si tiene alguna pregunta: manolia@presson.media.

Postule apretando aquí.

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iNCite Stories: a Storytelling Project
to Jun 21

iNCite Stories: a Storytelling Project

  • Google Calendar ICS





Receive a $500 stipend upon project completion and full participation!

Please join Migrant Roots Media, North Carolina Asian Americans Together, Amplified Voice for "iNCite Stories," a series of workshops online to enhance community storytelling skills.

In this series of workshops, participants from Black, Indigenous, AAPI, and Latine (BIPOC) communities in North Carolina will have the opportunity to reflect on their own life stories and place them into a larger historical context. Participants will critically examine systems of oppression and imagine a future that provides dignity and justice for all. Growing from our collective understanding that the narratives of BIPOC communities have been systematically co-opted, manipulated, and/or erased against their interests, the workshop will offer a space for people who have been directly impacted to learn storytelling skills that build resilience and shed light on their lived experiences. Participants will get to reflect on the self and community on a deeper level, so that they may collaboratively generate creative solutions and think through how to organize our community power.

This series of workshops will take place over the following weekends, 10am-12:30pm and then 2:30pm-5pm each day:

June 20-21 retreat and grounding; concepts; present agenda
July 11-12 intensive learning
Aug 1-2 finalizing projects
Aug 22 public presentation (exact time TBD)

If you have any questions, please contact ricky@ncaatogether.org

*****EN ESPAÑOL*****


¡Recibir un estipendio de $ 500 al finalizar el proyecto y participación!

Le invitamos a participar con Raíces Migrantes, North American Asian Americans Together, Amplified Voice en una serie de talleres en línea para mejorar las habilidades de narración comunitaria.

En esta serie de talleres, los participantes de comunidades negras, indígenas, AAPI y latinas (BIPOC) en Carolina del Norte tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre sus propias historias de vida y ubicarlas en un contexto histórico más amplio. Los participantes examinarán críticamente los sistemas de opresión e imaginarán un futuro que brinde dignidad y justicia para todes. Dado nuestro entendimiento colectivo sobre el hecho de que las narrativas de las comunidades racializadas han sido sistemáticamente cooptadas, manipuladas y/o borradas en contra de sus intereses, el taller ofrecerá un espacio para que las personas que han sido directamente impactadas aprendan habilidades de narración de historias que desarrollen resiliencia y lleven a la luz sus experiencias vividas. Los participantes podrán reflexionar sobre sí mismos y la comunidad con más profundidad, para que puedan generar soluciones creativas en colaboración y pensar cómo organizar el poder de nuestra comunidad.

Esta serie de talleres tendrá lugar durante los siguientes fines de semana, de 10 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. y luego de 2:30 p.m. a 5 p.m. cada día:

20-21 de junio: retiro y enraizamiento; conceptos; presentación de agenda
11-12 de julio: aprendizaje intensivo
1-2 de agosto: finalizando proyectos
22 de agosto: presentación pública (hora exacta por determinarse)

Si tiene alguna pregunta, pude enviar un mensaje a roxana@migrantrootsmedia.org

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Tertulia Migrante: Undoing Border Imperialism
to Apr 8

Tertulia Migrante: Undoing Border Imperialism

We are very excited to announce that the next Tertulia Migrante book will be Harsha Walia’s Undoing Border Imperialism (AK Press, 2013). The book combines academic discourse, lived experiences of displacement, and movement-based practices inspired by No One is Illegal. Walia reformulates immigrant rights movements within a transnational analysis of capitalism, labor exploitation, settler colonialism, state-building, and racialized empire to provide the alternative conceptual frameworks of border imperialism and decolonization. At its heart, the book wrestles with the question of how we build movements that address the immediate material needs of migrants (such as finding pathways to citizenship), while also building a broader anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist analysis which upholds indigenous sovereignty and challenges ideas about nation-states, borders, and legality. Needless to say, it is an immensely thought-provoking book, which really aligns with MRM’s analysis. 

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End of the Year * Migrant Roots Media * Dance Party
to Dec 22

End of the Year * Migrant Roots Media * Dance Party

We must dance!

From Chile to Palestine, our world is facing numerous struggles. Let's synchronize our energy on the dance floor to create a wave that will shake the entire planet and lead us towards justice!

DJ Rox identifies as a "political dj from the Global South" and will be playing music that demands JUSTICE FOR ALL and other contemporary dancing tunes. (She also accepts requests!)

Support the work that Migrant Roots Media is doing to shift the existing narratives around migration to ones that reflect its root causes.

Sliding scale: $10 to $50

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Tertulia Migrante: The View From Somewhere
to Dec 18

Tertulia Migrante: The View From Somewhere

Join Migrant Roots Media for a five-part discussion of Lewis Wallace recently published book, The View From Somewhere.

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM to give us an idea of how many and who is joining us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfRKg-iUZ7TnfOyMm0DC3Vz5uTZDwitoN0zB_s2OxjiOFGWgQ/viewform?usp=sf_link


Time: 6-7:30pm

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Concentration Camps: Then and Now
6:00 PM18:00

Concentration Camps: Then and Now

  • Franklin Humanities Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This moderated discussion will examine the consequences and historical antecedents of immigrant detention in the United States. Featuring Andrea Pitzer (One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps), Roxana Bendezú (Migrant Roots Media), and Jonathan M. Katz (The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti and Left Behind a Disaster), the event aims to shed light on the human toll of the Trump administration's treatment of migrants and asylum seekers at the southern border while also scrutinizing the vocabulary we use to describe such practices. To what extent can America's current system of mass detention-the confinement, on an ever expanding scale, of civilians without trial or due process-be likened to the concentration camps of previous eras, and what are the moral and political stakes of this comparison? What lessons might the longer history of internment and detention, in North America and beyond, offer us in confronting today's sanctioned violence toward those seeking refuge in the United States?

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Imagining a Just Immigration Policy forum
7:00 PM19:00

Imagining a Just Immigration Policy forum

  • Duke East Campus, 229 Classroom Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The actions and immigration policy of the Trump administration constitute a humanitarian disaster.  Join us for the next installment of our DFOAction fall forums as our panel of speakers will help answer the question – what would a just and humane US immigration policy look like?

Experts for the forum include:

  • Hila Moss – Managing Attorney, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

  • Jennie Belle – Community Organizer, Immigration and Refugee Program

  • Joanna Gaughan – Immigration Attorney, Mathews & Associates

  • Roxana Bendezú – Executive Director, Migrant Roots Media

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Dance Party to Shift Migration Narratives
to Sep 21

Dance Party to Shift Migration Narratives

Clear as water! We need to shift the current mainstream narratives around migration and we need money $$$ to do that. Migrants are resilient, courageous and self-determined. We don't need pity parades, we need JUSTICE!!
Support our work! COME DANCE WITH US!!!
Sliding scale: from $10 to $50
Cash, Venmo, PayPal, online
(No one turned away for lack of funds.)

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Are Concentration Camps Back? And What Can We Do?
12:00 PM12:00

Are Concentration Camps Back? And What Can We Do?

  • Duke's Old Chemistry Building, Room 011 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have concentration camps appeared on American soil? Or, should we say, have they returned? This event is designed to provide a historical and legal overview of the confusing situation at the Southern border. Historians will provide context to help us understand what a “concentration camp” is, and how it differs from a prison. Other speakers will provide a cogent explanation of what is happening now, and what steps a Duke student might take. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

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Podcasting for the Movement, a skill-sharing workshop
to Sep 8

Podcasting for the Movement, a skill-sharing workshop

  • Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“This practical, hands-on workshop covers many aspects of getting a podcast project off the ground, including idea-development, basic technical and production needs, field recording and studio recording, writing, and mixing audio. It is designed for people in social justice movement and activism with a variety of skill levels, but a clear idea for a project they want to work on whether it’s an oral history, an interview series, or even audio fiction. The workshop meets people where they are in terms of equipment and budget, and includes recommendations for how to make use of free and easily accessible tools.”

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