Compliments of the Chef: Alyssa Svoronos

Ut sed maximus odio. Nam bibendum, diam sed rhoncus sagittis, sapien odio consectetur mauris, nec imperdiet justo ligula ac ante. Sed eu lectus ac est sagittis gravida. Nam quis porttitor justo, eu lobortis lorem. Praesent pharetra porttitor venenatis. Curabitur ac sollicitudin magna. Sed a massa sed dui scelerisque condimentum. Pellentesque semper rhoncus eros suscipit pellentesque. Duis quis orci sit amet quam accumsan tempor. 

Linda Flor Brito is the daughter of Rosa Guallpa and Manuel Brito, both immigrants from the beautiful city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Inspired by the resilience and strength of her parents and community, she has dedicated herself to migrant justice work and is committed to fighting against imperialist and policing systems that criminalize and target undocumented immigrants. Focusing on advocacy for unaccompanied immigrant children, she does research and data analysis at the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Recognizing liberation is fought for through many fronts, Linda is also a community organizer, editor for Up, Up with Liberation!—a digital collective dedicated to liberation through creative expression, and a poeta.