Since taking office, one of Donald Trump’s recurring talking points has been reclaiming U.S. control over the Panama Canal and Greenland. During last week’s State of the Union Address, Trump smugly declared, “To further enhance our national security, my administration will be reclaiming the Panama Canal,” prompting a standing ovation largely from his cabinet members.
As a 1.5 generation Panamanian immigrant in the United States, Trump’s inflammatory remarks trigger a deep rage within me.
“The story of my journey to the United States across the Mexican desert parallels the experiences of many migrants, yet each one of us comes to this country with our own unique stories that do not always get the chance to be told. What we do share in common, however, are the experiences of having lived through systems that pushed us out of our homelands.”
“Being of Pech descent in the diaspora is not easy, especially considering that we are taught our colonizers “saved us.” This narrative has created generational trauma for my family, who feels constantly unheard and alienated from our land. However, I know we are seeds of resistance and our spirits cannot be taken away. On November 28, Xiomara Castro and the Libre Party won the presidential elections in Honduras—a victory that represents hope and trust for a better country and for our people.”
“My family and I did not simply “choose” to migrate, we did so out of necessity. The uneven nature of the global capitalist economy increases forced migration, disrupting familial and social relationships in countless ways, not only at the US-Mexico border, but also when family members are pushed to leave their communities and are unable to take their children with them. I am determined to continue working on addressing the root causes that created the conditions we were forced to flee, such as US interventionism in Central America and in many other regions around the world.”
“The process of remitting is more than just an economic transaction, it is also associated with the emotional and social processes that allow immigrants to stay connected to the ancestral homeland. For Central Americans, migrating North has not been an easy journey. Central Americans have been fleeing the economic, social, and political unrest caused by U.S-fueled civil wars and genocide, multinational corporate plundering, and corrupt governments. Once they establish themselves in the U.S, remitting becomes a way to show love, care, commitment, sacrifice, and to reassure family members that they are not forgotten. Providing financial assistance is also viewed as a sign of “making it,” and, unfortunately, many may even think that the long-term family separation and the psychological trauma is worth it.”
“El estadounidense promedio consume más de 100 libras de carne de pollo anualmente—o 8 mil millones de pollos al año, a nivel nacional. No es de sorprenderse entonces que a medida que la pandemia se esparcía alrededor de los Estados Unidos hace un año, las aves desaparecían de las estanterías de las tiendas debido a que los estadounidenses, llenos de pánico, acumulaban comida en respuesta a la los reportes de escasez. Mientras los estadounidenses se volcaban a cocinar durante una época sin precedentes, hubo un costo humano por este confort.”
Los condados de Carolina del Norte dicen que no se requieren identificaciones emitidas por el gobierno para tener acceso a la vacuna de COVID-19, pero algunos las están pidiendo.
“Desde el 21 de junio de 2020 mi hermano, Freddy Díaz Figueroa, se encuentra desaparecido. La familia no ha tenido ningún contacto con él y nos encontramos en la zozobra y la desesperación.”
“El número de casos de COVID-19 sigue en aumento en la zona rural central de Carolina del Norte, donde se encuentran las plantas de procesamiento avícola propiedad de empresas como Mountaire, Tyson Foods y Pilgrim's Pride. A nivel nacional, Carolina del Norte lidera el número de brotes de COVID-19 en las plantas procesadoras de carne, ocupando el tercer lugar en el país con el mayor número de trabajadores de las plantas procesadoras de carne que han contraído COVID-19.”
“The ongoing U.S.-supported Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, where over thirty-four thousand people have been murdered, half of them being children, is a new iteration of a longer history of U.S.-Israeli settler violence exported across the globe. Like Palestine, Central America was a critical site of U.S.-Israeli counter-revolutionary violence that targeted Black, Indigenous, and impoverished working people on an unimaginable, sadistic scale.”