
1.5 Gen Testimonios: How my Migrant Identity Informs my Politics | Alejandra Mejía

“Our story of migration is like that of many working-class Latin American immigrants: motivated by the search for better opportunities and, ultimately, for survival in countries where U.S. intervention and global asymmetrical power dynamics dating back to colonization have left limited options for people. Direct U.S. involvement in Panamá, where I lived from ages 3-11, can be traced back to the nineteenth century when what is now Panamá was a province of Colombia.“

1.5 Gen Testimonios: How my Migrant Identity Informs my Politics | Alejandra Mejía

In the Presence of Absence | Jonathon Burne-Espinoza

“Another thread, and the one that I feel most acutely: U.S. cultural imperialism has robbed us both of our cultural identities. The visceral awareness of lacking, the presence of absence (a phrase borrowed from the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish) which transcends time and space, spans across peoples who have had their lands, communities, bodies, and spirits stolen, commodified, and repackaged back to them disfigured in the rhetoric of diversity, humanitarianism, and progress.”

In the Presence of Absence | Jonathon Burne-Espinoza

1.5 Gen Testimonios: My Family’s Journey | Alejandra Mejía

“In recent years, my birth city has experienced growing rates of unemployment, poverty, and crime, becoming one of the most dangerous cities in the world with a murder per capita of 59 per 1,000 people as of 2016. This is especially true after the 2009 U.S. backed coup to remove democratically-elected Manuel Zelaya from the presidential office. Corrupt post-coup governments have been closely linked with police and drug cartels, which have only exacerbated the inequity, violence, and poverty in Honduras, leading many people, including unaccompanied youth, to embark on dangerous journeys to the North. I often wonder what my life would have been like had we stayed in Tegucigalpa, yet the social and political context of Honduras at the time drove my mother’s hard decision to leave and subsequently shaped the experiences of my family.”

1.5 Gen Testimonios: My Family’s Journey | Alejandra Mejía

A 3 años de su siembra. ¡Berta Cáceres continúa PRESENTE!

“Nuestras conciencias serán sacudidas por el hecho de estar sólo contemplando la autodestrucción basada en la depredación capitalista, racista y patriarcal.”

“Our consciences will be shaken by the fact that we are only contemplating self-destruction based on capitalist, racist and patriarchal depredation.”

A 3 años de su siembra. ¡Berta Cáceres continúa PRESENTE!

Fui una niña migrante: una memoria de resistencia y migración hacia Estados Unidos | Suyapa Portillo, Pitzer College

“Sin esos aliados migrantes de clase trabajadora centroamericanos, quienes resistían a un régimen de migración estricto que no reconocía refugiados, que hacía la guerra contra ellos en Centroamérica, no tendríamos el movimiento social en torno a la migración e inmigración que tenemos ahora.”

Fui una niña migrante: una memoria de resistencia y migración hacia Estados Unidos | Suyapa Portillo, Pitzer College